There was a time when listening to music on Sony’s Walkman was considered a prerogative of the rich. The Japanese electronics giant made music listening a portable and friendly experience, despite the fact that one had to carry various audio cassettes with fancy looking album covers down their cargo pockets. Even though this was changed to optical discs later down the road, the next big shift for playing music on the go didn’t come until the iPod, which allowed people to store all music collection on the device itself, and get rid of the annoyance of carrying a pile of discs and cassettes wherever they go. More than a decade later, everyone can now download music off the internet in MP3 format, and we have handheld devices like smartphones and portable music players that easily playback MP3 and can easily carry the music collection of our lifetime. One thing that didn’t actually quite change, were the album covers. Cover art is included in a music files’ metadata information, not only for ease of use, but also to add aesthetics in your music library as well. Album covers are supported by almost every music application, ranging from iTunes on your PC to a music app on your smartphone. That’s why most of the legitimate music we download off the internet, such as from Apple iTunes Store, comes embedded with cover art. However, if you have a few files with missing (or incorrect) cover images, try MP3 CoverTag - an application that automatically finds and add covers to an MP3 file.
Instead of downloading and embedding covers one by one into each file, MP3 CoverTag provides a feasible solution to in a batch operation. Moreover, searching for cover art itself is quite a cumbersome process, anyway. The interface of the application is very simple and user-friendly. To download covers, first you need to add songs with missing covers into the list. Click Select MP3 Folder and browse to your music files. Try to choose a folder with modest amount of files, as a directory with large number of items may even make the program unresponsive or take too long for it to download missing images.
You can also enable Overwrite the image if already exists to embed a new image over previous one, should you find it incorrect. After that, click Start Cover Search to begin the add up procedure.
During testing, I noticed that the application skipped a few files after the process completion, and I hope the developer sorts it out in next the update. MP3 CoverTag works on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8.
Source:, Posted by: EicraSite